The Most Wonderful Time of the Year (Really!)

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year (Really!)

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. Not only is it in the middle of my favorite season, but there are no gifts to buy, no costumes to wear, and no real decorations to put up. Just a celebration of all the things that make life enjoyable—good company, good food, and,...
Bad Marriage Advice #1: Beware Who is Giving the Advice

Bad Marriage Advice #1: Beware Who is Giving the Advice

Okay, so technically this isn’t specifically bad marriage advice. But if your source is not reliable, then the advice should be taken with a grain (or pile) of salt. Here is some advice that showed up in my In-box last week: “The next time you find yourself in...
What a 360 Review of Your Job as a Husband Could Reveal

What a 360 Review of Your Job as a Husband Could Reveal

Another year is drawing to a close. It’s the time when a lot of companies are evaluating the performance of both their overall business and that of individual staff members. The answers will determine what bonuses, raises, promotions, layoffs, and even terminations...
Someone Needs to Step Up in Your Marriage—Is it You?

Someone Needs to Step Up in Your Marriage—Is it You?

Every marriage needs a hero. The person willing to step up and do the right thing even if it’s difficult. Especially if it’s difficult. This is critically important if you and your wife are caught in unproductive or hurtful patterns. And way too many couples are. The...
If Your Marriage is Only “Okay”, It’s at Risk

If Your Marriage is Only “Okay”, It’s at Risk

It’s happened again. A frantic phone call from a man whose wife just asked for a divorce. He was devastated and, worse, blindsided. He thought everything was fine. Not stupendous but okay. Certainly not bad enough to end the marriage.  Now, he’s desperate. He loves...