The Love Languages: Helpful or Hype?

The Love Languages: Helpful or Hype?

“Love is but the discovery of ourselves in others, and the delight in the recognition.” Alexander Smith   Have you heard about the 5 Love Languages? They were introduced to the world in 1992 by Baptist pastor Gary Chapman. He developed his theory as...

Are You a Passive Husband?

“A man who procrastinates in his choosing will inevitably have his choice made for him by circumstance.” Hunter S. Thompson     By a passive husband, I mean you are physically present but mentally elsewhere. And if you are less than an active...
Why Good Communication is the Key to Physical Intimacy

Why Good Communication is the Key to Physical Intimacy

“When we are listened to, it creates us, makes us unfold and expand.”  Karl Menninger Two of the most common goals my clients have is to improve their communication and have better, more and deeper intimacy with their wives. What they, and most men, don’t...
Do You Respond Badly to Your Wife’s Criticism?

Do You Respond Badly to Your Wife’s Criticism?

No one likes criticism. Even if given “constructively”, it hurts. And when it comes from your wife? Even harder. How you respond to it can, and often, does make the situation worse. And this puts your marriage in danger. Yes, she may be exaggerating your actions. Yes,...
Humiliating Your Husband (or Anyone Else) Isn’t Loving

Humiliating Your Husband (or Anyone Else) Isn’t Loving

Imagine going to a friend’s house for dinner. She’s in the kitchen when you arrive putting the final touches on the salad. And there’s her husband squirting her with a bottle of water when she puts the tomatoes in before the lettuce. And again, when she pours dressing...
No, You Never “Have” to Act Poorly

No, You Never “Have” to Act Poorly

Have you ever found yourself feeling unfairly attacked and feel like you “have” to defend yourself? That you need to go toe to toe with someone and then try to justify your behavior when it doesn’t go the way you planned? Maybe it’s happened in your marriage, in your...